Jeden z najbardziej urokliwych pałaców w województwie łódzkim, czyli dwór Zawiszów w Sobocie k. Łowicza. To tutaj urodził się w 1809 roku powstaniec listopadowy Artur Zawisza Czarny, stracony w 1833 roku na placu kaźni w Warszawie (obecnie Plac Artura Zawiszy).
Fragment pałacu pochodzi z XV wieku. Obiekt by wielokrotnie przebudowywany. Obecny kształt uzyskał w XIX wieku, stając się kompleksem pałacowo-ogrodowym. Po 1945 majątek rozparcelowano, budynek przekształcając w dom wielorodzinny. Obecnie w rękach prywatnych.
Plusses(2):Aga, Halina
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Hello my name is Lita I am 54 from Peaky Blinders Birmingham. I enjoy Philosophy and an abstract way of thinking good food travel and nature walks hikes. I completed the Camino de Santiago Compostela Portuguese last year for my 54th birthday solo which was incredible and will do another one.

I do like travel and adventure when I can even short mini breaks I also enjoy doing charity walks and fund raising, I adore live music and all different types as long as it has soul. I work part time which keeps me busy and I rest well on my days off so I have a great work life balance I have no responsibilities or dependants except my cat which my lovely neighbour cares when I am away.

I used to love running but walk hike more nowadays need to save my knees hehe. I have a beautiful soul mate named Mimi she is a Bengal retired breeding queen I adore her and love life with her. I love my family and my best friend is my lil Grand Daughter and she calls me Grammy.

I have a very full and fulfilling life and feel really blessed to be so content & happy.

Life is good! 🙂

Thank you.
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I’m Rich Crossley, I live in Wortham in Suffolk. I am divorced. I have three grown kids who are now off the books (yay!). I have two Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs to keep me company and consequently I do a lot of walking. I volunteer at my local food bank. I like getting out for hikes with the dogs. I like reading, music, dining out (when I can get a dog sitter!) and fixing up my very old thatched cottage. Looking to meet new friends if only to chat. Very new to this.
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